Guest clinics confirmed!
The guest clinics for the 1st Grappelli Camp weekend will be given by Paulus Schäfer (guitar) and Jasper Leclerq (violin). And…it is still possible to sign up for the 2nd weeekend, 29 August – 1 September. Send an email for more info or sign-up to:!
Sign up for 2013!
The first Grappelli Camp weekend in 2013 (22-25 August) is now nearly sold out so we have decided to add a second weekend: 29 August – 1 September. Go to the Sign-up page to register or for info, send an email to: Meanwhile, best wishes for a great 2013!
The new Grappelli Camp website is now online. Dates for the 2013 edition are: Thursday 22 – Sunday 25 August 2013. See the Camp schedule here. To register, go to the Sign up page. Gypsy Jazz Violin books, DVDs and videos are here. For more information please email: