Registrations for Grappelli-Django Summer Camp '25 are now open!

USA guitarist Jimmy Grant to join the Summer faculty

We don’t often have overseas tutors but every now and then, we get lucky! Gypsy guitarist Jimmy Grant works regularly with Tim Kliphuis on his USA tours and will make his teaching at the Summer camp part of a longer European visit. Jimmy has taught at many festivals including Django in June and the iconic […]

GD SummerCamp ’23 registrations are now open!

We  have now opened signup for the 2023 Grappelli-Django Summer Camp! First guest tutors to be confirmed are Sébastien Giniaux (gtr), Eva Slongo and Seonaid Aitken (vln) and Roy Percy (b). On 24 August 2023, we celebrate our 14th edition in Beukenhof Biezenmortel (NL), with yet another fabulous performing and teaching lineup. Camp founders Reinier […]

Fapy Lafertin replaces Sébastien Giniaux

Sadly, our dear friend Seb Giniaux has tinnitus and will need the Summer to recover from this. But … we have been inCREDibly lucky to find Fapy Lafertin available to come and teach during the whole camp! With Mozes as a guest on Saturday for clinic and concert, this is the strongest lineup ever.

New Guitar tutor! Paulus Schäfer

We have some updates! Due to circumstances Mozes Rosenberg can’t attend the camp this year as a tutor. Nonetheless we are super stoked to have Paulus Schäfer on board who is well known to the camp. He will be there all weekend! He is a long-term friend of the camp and a wonderful teacher.

New Youtube Channel

Check our new channels where we have posted YOUR camp songs played by your favourite tutors! Check the link to the channel here and subscribe :


Dear all, We have an update for you all. There are finally developments in Europe regarding travel and border controls. The EU is aiming to remove border controls again before the holiday season starts; and they are currently saying that ONE jab should be enough to travel without quarantine. That means anyone traveling by car […]

Mozes Rosenberg just confirmed new Guitar Tutor!

We are delighted to have a ‘yes’ from Mozes Rosenberg, the Dutch crown prince of gypsy jazz guitar. His older brother, Stochelo Rosenberg, tutored him on Django’s music from a young age and Mozes still tours with him regularly. Mozes’s own powerhouse Trio with Johnny Rosenberg (rhythm guitar) and Sani van Mullem (bass) performs all […]

Minor Waltz first Camp Song revealed!

Check out the first camp song of our 2021 edition here! It is a hommage to our students who have donated their camp fee last year to help the camp keep on running and pay our tutors! See more under the repertoire tab!