GD Summer Camp 2016

The Grappelli Django Camp 2016 was a thrilling experience, held across two weekends: August 25-28 and September 1-4. Highlights included the incredible Sandro Roy, who brought his unique violin skills as a featured clinician for the second weekend, inspiring participants with his tricks and licks. The camp also welcomed renowned guitarists Sebastien Giniaux and Samy Daussat, each teaching during different weekends, offering unparalleled insight into the world of gypsy jazz. We were delighted to have Fiona Monbet, along with the legendary rhythm guitarist Nous’che Rosenberg, who returned for two days to work with both guitarists and ensembles. With a jam-packed program of workshops, ensemble lessons, and concerts, the 2016 edition offered unforgettable learning and jamming sessions for participants from all over the world.