Adding news posts regularly will engage and generate trust towards participants. To add news:
To edit an existing published post then navigate to Post > All Posts, find the desired publication and click on “edit”
It is possible to add banners to homepage with an action button. For that navigate to Pages > All Pages. Then find “Homapage” and click on “Edit”
Once a signup has been submitted a new “order” will be generated. An order contain reflects other relevant information as date, billing info, nº of bus tickets, t-shirts, nº of participants, etc..
Once the order is received its status will go either “On Hold” (if payment is via Bank Transfer) or “Processing” (if it was via Paypal). As well, the participant will receive an email telling his order is in processing/on hold.
Once the payment has been received correctly the order has to be “confirmed”. Then, the participant will receive a confirmation email. This last step is important in order to elaborate a list of participants as well for the participant in order to know that his registration has been processed correctly.
Check below “How to Process an Order” for further instructions.
UPDATE 4/01/24
Some orders might contain more than one attendee. For checking & download all attending students check here:
You can find all the received orders at Dashboard > Camp Signups > Received Orders
When a signup has arrived an order is created and set to “on hold” or “processing”. The first one is usually set for bank transfers and the second is for Paypal payments as the payment has been sent and it is just pending to be double-checked manually at the camp’s PayPal account. These are the steps to take to process a signup:
To limit the amount of players by type:
You can export a XLS file for each event which includes all order details. THIS DOESN’T INCLUDE ALL PARTICIPANTS, for that check the next section on How to export a list with all participants. This file includes billing info, bus tickets, patron contribution and T-shirts orders.
You can export a CSV file for each event which includes all participant details.
The CSV file can be opened using any spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets where the data can be sorted, filtered and analyzed.
Navigate to Tutors > Add New Tutor
The website features a rich and interactive schedule. This allows to schedule days and create sessions (lessons or activities) and link them to the already existing tutors. All created sessions can be found here:
Due website limitations it is only possible to have one schedule running per camp. In the next section we will have a look on how to setup a new schedule for a camp.
See above “Homepage, news & alerts banners”
To change date, location or other text from the homepage slides:
Both camp pages are created using Elementor, which is an intuitive and visual website composer. You can edit each section by clicking in each widget.
This checklist will serve as a quick guide on how to prepare the website for an upcoming camp. For detailed instructions on how to do each step please check in this FAQ. These are the steps:
1. Clear up existing orders here. You can export previous ones as means of backup.
2. Adjust title, room availability, prices and text description at “Camp Settings”
3. Update cancellation text/dates here
4. Adjust availability by type of player here
5. Update both camps pages. For example, if preparing for open summer camp, set first a message in winter camp telling that “registration for winter camp are currently closed”. Also disable/hide sign up button as well disable/hide the schedule widget. Then, repeat this steps but in reverse with the summer camp page.
6. Update top right button with the right link to the camp page. For that click on “Customize” at the top bar. Go to Navigation > General, scroll down and paste the right link at “Get Tickets”
7. Add/Update text and link at frontpage alert banner.
1. Navigate to Camp Settings > Checkout & Register Editor
2. Click on “Additional Fields” tab.
3. Search for field “bus_sunday” or “t-shirts” and click “edit”
4. Change values
5. Click on “update values”
6. Click on “save changes”
You can find any submissions to the form here:
Select all the submissions and select “Export”. At button of the page you can set “Show 50” to enable seeing & exporting more submissions at once,
You can find any submissions to the form here:
Select all the submissions and select “Export”. At button of the page you can set “Show 50” to enable seeing & exporting more submissions at once,